Stop Trojan Attacks with Two-factor Authentication

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Mitigate sophisticated trojan attacks with two-factor authentication. Trojan attacks are named for the mythological warriors that infiltrated the city of Troy under a ruse. The soldiers hid inside a giant wooden horse presented to Troy. Once inside city gates the warriors conquered the city.

As in the myth, trojans are disguised as harmless or even helpful executable files. Once installed, they exploit flaws in a browser, messenger program, game or application and can be maneuvered by an attacker to access victim information.

Trojans require specific maneuvering by an attacker to work, and unlike computer viruses, they do not ‘self-replicate’ or inject themselves into other files. However, they are particularly dangerous because they permit remote access to a computer system.

With remote access, a victim can become vulnerable to several harmful attacks such as: account retrieval, keystroke logging, screen or webcam access, file modification or corruption. Furthermore, remote access granted via a trojan could allow a computer to act as a proxy for other illegal activities and attacks.

SAASPASS one-time passwords and SAASPASS Instant Login both generate unique one-time codes at the point of verification. Since password generation is offline, you facilitate a dual network structure that makes remote action nearly impossible.