Utility companies manage hundreds of thousands of users to provide essential services like water, heating and communications infrastructure.
Two-factor authentication from SAASPASS secures applications and infrastructures that provide essential services like water, heating and communications services.
SAASPASS two-factor authentication secures widely used applications like Google Apps and Microsoft Office, and custom built internal applications. SAASPASS secures authentication both for internal office solutions and client facing applications.
Company desktops can be secured with two-factor authentication with SAASPASS Computer Login. Secure individual desktops, or networked computers organized with active directory.
Users authenticate to applications or computers via Instant Login (Proximity or Barcode Scan) or use a one-time password, all from their SAASPASS app. The app is available on virtually every mobile device today: iPhones, iPads, Android phones and tablets, Blackberrys and feature Java ME phones.